在2013年裡, 安馨上了人生中第一個幼稚園, 第一個幼稚園上台唱歌表演
會騎腳踏車&溜滑梯, 雙手不扶牆走樓梯, 用吸管喝熊貓豆奶, 唱許多詩歌&兒歌(中, 英, 台語, 西班牙文), 會邊唱歌邊跳舞 (主打歌: 天父的花園, 我要向高山舉目),
會敲鑼打鼓,會刷牙漱口吐牙膏泡泡, 會3以內的加減法, 會數實物1-10 (match number of objects, for example 葡萄, 杯子), 會禱告, 臉會浸在水中閉氣2秒, 會舉一反三, 會用衛生紙擤鼻涕, 會主動問把拔馬麻有Happy嗎, 會主動跟人打招呼說Hi
看著安馨每一天都有呵呵的招牌笑聲 非常的感恩^_^
祝大家在2014年裡 天天呵呵笑
Happy New Year!
Time flies. My granddaughter is already 8. Glad to see your family pictures. Happy New Year.
我是李梅英 ,很高興收到賀卡, 妳美麗如昔 歲月沒在你身上留下痕跡 更何況母以女為貴!
回覆刪除願 上帝 賜福 你與你的家人
Happy New Year! I am so glad to receive your e-Card and get to see An-Hsin's cute face. Just like her Dad and Mom, she is an angel!
回覆刪除Wish you all a great year ahead and please pay us a visit in Singapore when you have the chance. We now have a big group of mustardseeders in the SG branch. :)
God bless,
Happy New Year!!
God Bless~~ KT