愛祝你Merry Christmas and Happy 2012
2011年12月22日 星期四
2011年11月28日 星期一
Games to play with your toddler (by Baby Center)
Games to play with your toddler
Reviewed by the BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board
12 to 16 months
Coming to lifePretend your child's favorite teddy or doll is real — make him walk, go to bed, or dance across the room. Include him in everyday activities — sitting him at the table for dinner, for example, and putting a bib on him. Talking about what you're doing will help your toddler with her language skills. Act out happy and sad times, too, so she can learn about feelings and emotions as she's developing her imagination.
Push me, pull you
If your toddler is pulling herself up and trying to walk, help her practice with a pushing and pulling game. Use a moveable object such as a child-size chair or plastic stacking box filled with soft toys. While she holds the edges for support you can hold the other side and keep it steady. Then slowly pull the box toward you to encourage her to step forward. Soon she'll start to push while you gently pull. This will build her confidence for the day she finally walks on her own.
Clap happy
By now your toddler can hold her hands open, but it may be a while before she claps independently. For now, clap them together for her, or let her hold your hands while you pat them together. Sit her facing you on the floor or on your lap, and sing clapping songs like patty-cake. These will boost her language skills as well as her hand-eye coordination.
Who's hiding here?
Just as she loved peek-a-boo as a baby, your toddler will love to play simple games of hide-and-seek. First thing in the morning take turns hiding under the bed sheets; at bath time, use a big towel. For extra fun and giggles you can gently prod her as she hides. "Hmm, is this a leg? Or is it an arm?" Games like this help teach your toddler that just because she can't see something, doesn't mean it isn't there. For a change, while she's wrapped up in the towel, carry her into another room. She'll be delighted when she pops her head out to discover she's in a new spot.
16 to 20 months
Tea partyOn a sunny day, take a child-sized plastic tea set outdoors and fill a large plastic bowl with water. Pretend you've "come to tea" and encourage your toddler to fill the teapot and pour the tea. This fun game will challenge his coordination skills and help him learn about the properties of water — for example, that it always flows down, not up.
Block patterns
This requires some concentration on your toddler's part, so it's best played when he's feeling refreshed. Use his building blocks to make simple patterns, such as three in a row or "two up, two down" to make a square. Encourage him to use other blocks to copy your pattern. Then let him try making his own pattern, which you have to copy. Sorting objects like this into shapes will help encourage your toddler's problem-solving skills.
Roll it to me
Balls are popular toys for toddlers. Bouncy balls are best kept outside, but soft, foam balls make great indoor toys. The best ball game to start playing with your toddler is an easy version of "catch." Both of you sit on the ground facing each other with your legs apart and toes touching. You can now roll the ball backward and forward to each other without it going out of bounds. Fun for building arm muscle strength and hand-eye coordination.
Young collector
Go for a walk together and take a bucket with you. Collect small objects that interest your toddler — stones, leaves, pine cones. Your toddler will want to carry the bucket, but don't be surprised if he also dumps its contents and starts again. Toddlers this age love to fill containers just so they can empty them again. Meanwhile, he's practicing his hand movements and developing dexterity.
20 to 24 months
Let's dance!Play favorite snatches of music that lend themselves to particular actions — something with a big, loud beat so your child can stamp like an elephant, or something quiet so she can pretend she's tiptoeing past a sleeping lion. Marching to music is also great fun and easy enough for most toddlers to manage. These games will stretch her imagination and develop her sense of rhythm.
Balloon fun
Balloons are great for indoor play — they move slowly enough to be chased and are relatively easy to catch. Blow one up and tap it gently into the air. Count how long it takes to float to the ground or let your toddler try to catch it. A good game for counting skills and hand-eye coordination.
Note of caution: Uninflated or broken pieces of latex balloon are a serious choking hazard for children. Inflated balloons are okay, but supervize your toddler closely and take away broken pieces immediately if the balloon pops. If possible, choose mylar or paper balloons instead.
What can you hear?
Take a big towel or blanket out into the garden and lie down on it together. Ask your toddler to close her eyes and listen carefully. After a minute or so ask her what she could hear, and tell her what you heard: The wind in the trees, a bird singing, a car driving past. This is a great game for helping your toddler develop her listening and descriptive skills.
Catch me if you can
Toddlers love to be chased. The object of this game is for your child to be caught, especially if she knows she gets a big bear hug and tickles every time you manage to catch her. For variety, pretend to be different types of animals — a roaring lion or a scuttling mouse. A great game for building up your toddler's stamina — and yours!
2011年11月14日 星期一
The discipline tool kit: Successful strategies for every age (管教小孩妙方 by BabyCenter)
The discipline tool kit: Successful strategies for every ageby Melanie Haiken |
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This site is published by BabyCenter, L.L.C., which is responsible for its contents as further described and qualified in the Terms of Use.
不吃飯就餓著??? (轉載)
托比自己騎了會車,覺得有些無聊,看到那幾個孩子玩得那麼高興,他想加入,又覺得有些不好意思。他蹭到蘇珊身邊,嘟囔道:「媽媽,我想跟露西他們一起玩。」蘇珊不動聲色地說:「那你自己去找他們啦!」「媽媽,你陪我一起去。」 托比懇求道。 「那可不行,剛才是你把露西弄哭的,現在你又想和大家玩,就得自己去解決問題。」
過了一會兒,托比不哭了,他在貯藏室裡大聲喊:「媽媽,我錯了。」蘇珊站在門外,問:「那你知道該怎麼做了嗎?」「我知道。 」蘇珊打開門,托比從貯藏室走出來,臉上還掛著兩行淚珠。他拿起有他兩個高的拖把吃力地把地上的水拖乾淨。然後,他脫下褲子,拎在手上,光著屁股走進洗手間,稀里嘩啦地洗起衣服來。
2011年10月26日 星期三
2011年10月24日 星期一
在呼召我之處 The Place Of Calling
I got the chance to listen to this song from my friend's website (http://www.wretch.cc/blog/hsinyuyu)
I learn lots of beautiful things from her, Sherry.
It's not an easy job to be a mother, wife, daughter, and independent woman in a foreign country.
Reading her blog helps me to find the courage to keep up.
She reminds me that we are not alone through God's love and grace.
主溫柔的聖神 惦在我的內心 陪伴我的一生 賞賜平靜和安息 使我得滿足豐盛
主愛疼的真理 光照我攏無離 我身軀你扶持 賞賜恩典和安慰 你的愛真正甘甜
在呼召的所在 我欲歡喜吟詩 無論環境好壞 猶原讚美敬拜
在呼召的所在 我欲歡喜吟詩 無論環境好壞 猶原讚美敬拜
主溫柔的聖靈 讓我全心感受 滲透我的生命 賜下平靜和安息 你使我心得滿足
主慈愛的真理 你榮光照向我 包圍我的身體 賜下平靜和安息 讓我感受你的愛
在呼召我之處 我要獻上敬拜 無論遭遇何事 依然揚聲歌唱
在呼召我之處 我要獻上敬拜 無論遭遇何事 依然揚聲歌唱
在呼召我之處 我要獻上敬拜 無論遭遇何事 依然揚聲歌唱
在我行走時成爲我道路 活著時成爲我生命 就在這地獻上敬拜
I learn lots of beautiful things from her, Sherry.
It's not an easy job to be a mother, wife, daughter, and independent woman in a foreign country.
Reading her blog helps me to find the courage to keep up.
She reminds me that we are not alone through God's love and grace.
主溫柔的聖神 惦在我的內心 陪伴我的一生 賞賜平靜和安息 使我得滿足豐盛
主愛疼的真理 光照我攏無離 我身軀你扶持 賞賜恩典和安慰 你的愛真正甘甜
在呼召的所在 我欲歡喜吟詩 無論環境好壞 猶原讚美敬拜
在呼召的所在 我欲歡喜吟詩 無論環境好壞 猶原讚美敬拜
主溫柔的聖靈 讓我全心感受 滲透我的生命 賜下平靜和安息 你使我心得滿足
主慈愛的真理 你榮光照向我 包圍我的身體 賜下平靜和安息 讓我感受你的愛
在呼召我之處 我要獻上敬拜 無論遭遇何事 依然揚聲歌唱
在呼召我之處 我要獻上敬拜 無論遭遇何事 依然揚聲歌唱
在呼召我之處 我要獻上敬拜 無論遭遇何事 依然揚聲歌唱
在我行走時成爲我道路 活著時成爲我生命 就在這地獻上敬拜
Milestone chart: 13 to 18 months
Milestone chart: 13 to 18 months
Reviewed by the BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board
En español
Child's Age | Mastered Skills (most kids can do) | Emerging Skills (half of kids can do) | Advanced Skills (a few kids can do) |
13 months | Uses two words skillfully (e.g., "hi" and "bye") Bends over and picks up an object | Enjoys gazing at his reflection Holds out arm or leg to help you dress him | Combines words and gestures to make needs known Rolls a ball back and forth |
14 months | Eats with fingers Empties containers of contents Imitates others | Toddles well Initiates games Points to one body part when asked Responds to instructions (e.g., "give me a kiss") | Uses a spoon or fork Matches lids with appropriate containers Pushes and pulls toys while walking |
15 months | Plays with ball Uses three words regularly Walks backward | Scribbles with a crayon Runs Adopts "no" as his favorite word | "Helps" around the house Puts his fingers to his mouth and says "shhh" |
16 months | Turns the pages of a book Has temper tantrums when frustrated Becomes attached to a soft toy or other object | Discovers the joy of climbing Stacks three blocks Uses spoon or fork Learns the correct way to use common objects (e.g., the telephone) | Takes off one piece of clothing by himself Gets finicky about food Switches from two naps to one |
17 months | Uses six words regularly Enjoys pretend games Likes riding toys | Feeds doll Speaks more clearly Throws a ball underhand | Dances to music Sorts toys by color, shape, or size Kicks ball forward |
18 months | Will "read" board books on his own Scribbles well | Strings two words together in phrases Brushes teeth with help Stacks four blocks | Throws a ball overhand Takes toys apart and puts them back together Shows signs of toilet training readiness |
On to the next chart: 19 to 24 months
Back to the previous chart: 7 to 12 months
Return to the toddler development page.
Milestone chart: 7 to 12 months
Reviewed by the BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board
Last updated: July 2011
En español
Child's Age | Mastered Skills (most kids can do) | Emerging Skills (half of kids can do) | Advanced Skills (a few kids can do) |
7 months | Sits without support Drags objects toward herself | Lunges forward or starts crawling Jabbers or combines syllables Starts to experience stranger anxiety | Waves goodbye Stands while holding onto something Bangs objects together Begins to understand object permanence |
8 months | Says "mama" or "dada" to parents (isn't specific) Passes objects from hand to hand | Stands while holding onto something Crawls Points at objects Searches for hidden objects | Pulls self to standing, cruises Picks things up with thumb-finger pincer grasp Indicates wants with gestures |
9 months | Stands while holding onto something Jabbers or combines syllables Understands object permanence | Cruises while holding onto furniture Drinks from a sippy cup Eats with fingers Bangs objects together | Plays patty-cake and peek-a-boo Says "mama" or "dada" to the correct parent |
10 months | Waves goodbye Picks things up with pincer grasp Crawls well, with belly off the ground | Says "mama" or "dada" to the correct parent Indicates wants with gestures | Stands alone for a couple of seconds Puts objects into a container |
11 months | Says "mama" or "dada" to the correct parent Plays patty-cake and peek-a-boo Stands alone for a couple of seconds Cruises | Understands "no" and simple instructions Puts objects into a container | Says one word besides "mama" or "dada" Stoops from standing position |
12 months | Imitates others' activities Indicates wants with gestures | Takes a few steps Says one word besides "mama" or "dada" | Walks alone Scribbles with a crayon Says two words besides "mama" or "dada" |
2011年9月28日 星期三
2011年9月27日 星期二
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