2010年12月28日 星期二

To Sleep or Not To Sleep, that is the question.

How much sleep does your child need?

As a new parent, that's probably one of your biggest questions. Below are some general guidelines as to how many hours of sleep the average child requires at various ages. Of course, every child is different — some need up to two hours more or less sleep than others.
AgeNighttime SleepDaytime Sleep *Total Sleep
1 month8 1/27 (3)15 1/2
3 months105 (3)15
6 months113 1/4 (2)14 1/4
9 months113 (2)14
12 months11 1/42 1/2 (2)13 3/4
18 months11 1/42 1/4 (1)13 1/2
2 years112 (1)13
3 years10 1/21 1/2 (1)12
*Note: number of naps in parentheses

Keep in mind that most children need lots of sleep. Often, says BabyCenter sleep expert Jodi Mindell, author of Sleeping Through the Night, if a child has poor sleep habits or refuses to go to bed before 11 at night, his parents will think that he just doesn't need a lot of sleep. That's probably not true — in fact, it's likely that such a child is actually sleep-deprived. To see whether your child falls into that camp, ask yourself these questions:
  • Does your child fall asleep almost every time he's in a car?
  • Do you have to wake your child almost every morning?
  • Does your child seem cranky, irritable, or overtired during the day?
  • On some nights, does your child seem to crash much earlier than his usual bedtime?

Baby sleep: Seven tips

Seven great tips from parents and experts for getting your baby to sleep.
If you answered "yes" to any of these, your child may be getting less sleep than he needs. To change this pattern, you'll need to help him develop good sleep habits and set an appropriate bedtime. "Then he'll get all the sleep he needs to be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed," Mindell says.

For more information on helping your baby sleep well, see the basics for birth to 3 months, 3 to 6 months, 6 to 9 months, and 9 to 12 months. You can also find out all about baby sleep and feeding schedules and encouraging your newborn's emerging routine.

Eventually your child will stop napping and start doing all of his sleeping at night. Preschoolers and young elementary school students still need up to ten or 11 hours of sleep a night, but that amount will gradually diminish. By the time he's a teenager, your child will need only about nine or ten hours of shut-eye per night. To find out more about children's sleep patterns, take our baby sleep quiz.

2010年12月20日 星期一

Milestone chart: 7 to 12 months

Milestone chart: 7 to 12 months

Reviewed by the BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board

Child's Age

Mastered Skills (most kids can do)

Emerging Skills (half of kids can do)

Advanced Skills (a few kids can do)
7 monthsSits without support
Drags objects toward herself
Lunges forward or starts crawling
Jabbers or combines syllables
Starts to experience stranger anxiety
Waves goodbye
Stands while holding onto something
Bangs objects together
Begins to understand object permanence
8 monthsSays "mama" and "dada" to both parents (isn't specific)
Passes objects from hand to hand
Stands while holding onto something
Points at objects
Searches for hidden objects
Pulls self to standing, cruises
Picks things up with thumb-finger pincer grasp
Indicates wants with gestures
9 monthsStands while holding onto something
Jabbers or combines syllables
Understands object permanence
Cruises while holding onto furniture
Drinks from a sippy cup
Eats with fingers
Bangs objects together
Plays patty-cake and peek-a-boo
Says "mama" and "dada" to the correct parent
10 monthsWaves goodbye
Picks things up with pincer grasp
Crawls well, with belly off the ground
Says "mama" and "dada" to the correct parent
Indicates wants with gestures
Stands alone for a couple of seconds
Puts objects into a container
11 monthsSays "mama" and "dada" to the correct parent
Plays patty-cake and peek-a-boo
Stands alone for a couple of seconds
Understands "no" and simple instructions
Puts objects into a container
Says one word besides "mama" and "dada"
Stoops from standing position
12 monthsImitates others' activities
Indicates wants with gestures
Takes a few steps
Says one word besides "mama" and "dada"
Walks alone
Scribbles with a crayon
Says two words besides "mama" and "dada"

On to the next chart: 13 to 18 months

Milestone chart: 1 to 6 months

Milestone chart: 1 to 6 months

Reviewed by the BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board

Child's Age

Mastered Skills (most kids can do)

Emerging Skills (half of kids can do)

Advanced Skills (a few kids can do)
1 monthLifts head when lying on tummy
Responds to sound
Stares at faces
Follows objects briefly with eyes
Vocalizes: oohs and aahs
Can see black-and-white patterns
Smiles, laughs
Holds head at 45-degree angle
2 monthsVocalizes: gurgles and coos
Follows objects across field of vision
Notices his hands
Holds head up for short periods
Smiles, laughs
Holds head at 45-degree angle
Makes smoother movements
Holds head steady
Can bear weight on legs
Lifts head and shoulders when lying on tummy (mini-pushup)
3 monthsRecognizes your face and scent
Holds head steady
Visually tracks moving objects
Squeals, gurgles, coos
Blows bubbles
Recognizes your voice
Does mini-pushup
Rolls over, from tummy to back
Turns toward loud sounds
Can bring hands together, bats at toys
4 monthsSmiles, laughs
Can bear weight on legs
Coos when you talk to him
Can grasp a toy
Rolls over, from tummy to back
Imitates sounds: "baba," "dada"
Cuts first tooth
May be ready for solid foods
5 monthsDistinguishes between bold colors
Plays with his hands and feet
Recognizes own name
Turns toward new sounds
Rolls over in both directions
Sits momentarily without support
Mouths objects
Separation anxiety may begin
6 monthsTurns toward sounds and voices
Imitates sounds
Rolls over in both directions
Is ready for solid foods
Sits without support
Mouths objects
Passes objects from hand to hand
Lunges forward or starts crawling
Jabbers or combines syllables
Drags objects toward himself

2010年12月16日 星期四

長達半年的搬家終於告一段落 (12/15/2010): 我要向高山舉目

6/27/2010 (懷孕7月): 從Pittsburgh, 帶著肚肚裡的安馨小啾啾來到 加州 [從美東搬到美西], 將所有的東西留在Pittsburgh的Storage(倉庫)裡
8/5/2010 (懷孕8月): 原本預定可以租 住的地方, 在晚上10pm, 突然知道不租給我們 了
8/6/2010 (懷孕8月): 感謝上帝, 沒地方住的我們, 粉有效率地只花了一天, 就在人生地不熟的 加州找到了one bedroom apartment (公寓)
8/7/2010 (懷孕8月): 訂下了one bedroom apartment (公寓)的租約
8/8/2010 (父親節): 在加州搬到one bedroom apartment (公寓), 開始了打地鋪的生活
9/28/2010: 安馨小啾啾出生了
10/1/2010: 安馨小啾啾出院 見天日, 家裡唯一的家具就是安馨小啾啾的嬰兒床
11/26/2010 (安馨小啾啾 快2個月大): 安馨小啾啾背著尿布搬家去, 搬進安馨拔吧 和  安馨馬麻  歷經千辛萬苦   跋山涉水找到的新家
12/15/2010 (安馨小啾啾 2個月大): 搬家公司將Pittsburgh Storage(倉庫)裡東 搬來新家, 終於告別打地鋪的生活, 開始了與一堆大大小小的箱子 生活在一起的日子

X/X/2011 (安馨小啾啾 N個月大): 甚麼時候才會將箱子整理完哩???

長達半年的搬家過程, 對於安馨小啾啾,安馨拔吧 和  安馨馬麻來說, 真的不輕鬆
上帝阿, 不要再讓我們搬家囉!

詩集:讚美之泉 12 - 永遠尊貴、最珍貴的角落,56


2010年12月8日 星期三

安馨小啾啾預祝聖誕快樂: 赐福舆你 ( Blessing of God Be Upon You )

安馨小啾啾預祝聖誕快樂喔 ^_^
跟著安馨小啾啾一起唱  " 赐福舆你" 吧  :)

但 願 使 人 有 盼 望 的 神 , 因 信 將 諸 般 的 喜 樂 、 平 安 充 滿 你 們 的 心 , 使 你 們 藉 著 聖 靈 的 能 力 大 有 盼 望 (羅 馬 書 15:13 )

天天喜樂. 平安. 幸福
安馨小啾啾睡得香甜  有好夢喔 !!!!

(9/29/2010: 安馨1天大)

(9/30/2010: 安馨2天大)

(9/30/2010: 安馨2天大)

(9/30/2010: 安馨2天大)

(10/5/2010: 安馨7天大)

(10/9/2010: 安馨11天大)

(10/9/2010: 安馨11天大)

(10/10/2010: 安馨12天大)

(10/15/2010: 安馨17天大)

(10/15/2010: 安馨17天大)

(10/28/2010: 安馨1個月大)


詩集:讚美之泉 13



12/7/2010 讓啾啾第一次大聲呵呵呵發笑的歌 -- 說了再見 ㄋㄟ ㄋㄟ 版 (兩個月大)

好不容易在車陣中穿梭了一個多鐘頭,回到家陪伴啾啾媽母女 -- 感謝上帝賜我們的驚喜:

在幫忙帶安馨小啾啾,餵她 ㄋㄟ ㄋㄟ 的時候,
哼唱了這首及時改編的 "說了再見" (周杰倫)

下面是這首歌 "說了再見 ㄋㄟ ㄋㄟ 版" 的歌詞.
想要知道這首歌怎麼唱的人,請看上面原版的 "說了再見" MV:

說了再見 - ㄋㄟ ㄋㄟ 版
原作詞:古小力、黃淩嘉 (改編: 啾啾爸 & 啾啾媽)
原唱:周杰倫 (翻唱: 小啾啾)

*水涼了 瓶丟了 媽走了
清楚了 我愛的 遺失了

想要喝 喝不到 淚在飆
我在叫 妳卻聽不到
我假裝ㄋㄟ ㄋㄟ  不重要

說了再見 才發現再也喝不到
我不能 就這樣 失去ㄋㄟ的微笑
奶瓶放在桌角 而爸爸找不到 (奶嘴也在桌角 爸仍是找不到)
若角色對調 你說好不好

#說了再見 才發現再也喝不到
能不能 就這樣 忍著 ㄧㄠ(餓) 淚不掉
說好餵我到飽 ㄋㄟ ㄋㄟ往那裡找
再次喝到 一分一秒 都好

Repeat *

ㄋㄟ的棒ㄋㄟ的好 腦海裡 一直在繞
我爸肚 忘不了 ㄋㄟ ㄋㄟ的味道
心碎了一地 撿不回從前的溫飽

Repeat #

啾啾: 我的 ㄋㄟ ㄋㄟ 呢?

啾啾: 再見了我的 ㄋㄟ ㄋㄟ

2010年12月4日 星期六

安馨小啾啾第1次來餐廳: 綠中一點紅 (1-2個月大)

一點都沒有怯場喔 ^_^

(11/21/2010: 安馨1-2個月大)

安馨小啾啾的第1個聚會Party (1-2個月大)

Ann & Henry 為了 感謝上帝讓他們搬進新家
辦了一個感恩Party    邀請大家來他們美美的新家   
第1次看到這麼多人的安馨   忘記哭
我們還拍了1張難得的全家福呢 ^_^

(11/20/2010: 安馨1-2個月大)

安馨小啾啾的冬天有美菊奶奶的溫暖 (1個月大)

安馨小啾啾有感受到美菊奶奶的溫暖 喔 ^_^

(11/12/2010: 安馨1.5個月大)

2010年12月1日 星期三

安馨小啾啾背著尿布搬家去 (11月26日, 快2個月大囉)

安馨小啾啾打從娘胎裡    就已見過不少世面
第1次是還在肚肚裡   從美東搬到美西
第2次是在加州搬到one bedroom apartment (公寓)

要搬去 安馨拔吧 和  安馨馬麻  歷經千辛萬苦   跋山涉水找到的新家

安馨馬麻 懷孕 生安馨  作月子 搬家  賣房子  找房子  都擠在這時候

11月26日安馨拔吧 和  安馨馬麻  帶著 背著尿布的小安馨搬家去